Side Support


Do you struggle with breast tissue under your breasts, or your breast having a more East/West shape in certain bras? Many women have this same dilemma, whether it's anatomy or overly blessed, this is a real issue that can cause women to be very uncomfortable in bras as well as chaffing on the breasts. 

Women who are heavily endowed may have breasts that are not symmetrical or sit perfectly centered, there is a lot of tissue that falls to the side under the arm pits. A properly fitted bra may not be enough to push their breasts forward and up as much as they would like.  A side support bra is a sectioned cup usually, 3 or 4 sections sewn together strategically to push the breast tissue forward and up, creating a beautiful silhouette and shape. This alleviates any pain and discomfort under the arm and gives a nice shape to the breast. 

Not all women struggling with side boob are incredibly endowed, some women it's just in their anatomy to have a wider shape to their breast rather than a rounded.  A side support bra is great for this women as well!  It does the same exact job, pushing that breast forward and lifting to help create a beautiful shape that's functional as well as slimming! 

Side support bras have exceptional support and come in a variety of styles, these are easily one of our best selling bras at Hourglass Lingerie! 


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